Tag Archives: cartoon

The Cleveland Marathon


Wasn’t this the Revco Marathon back in the day? I could be wrong – it sure wouldn’t be the first time. In any event, it looks like Rite Aid has been running the show for a while now, and by any barometer, it’s been pretty successful.

Personally, I enjoy getting out and running, but haven’t done much long distance stuff – usually 3 miles a few days a week. So, I may try a 10K sometime. I ran one a number of years ago, and did it in under an hour – or was that the first mile? I went on to finish though, and felt pretty ding-danged good about it. 

Anyway, The Cleveland Marathon is usually the first big ‘summer event’ around these here parts – sort of a precursor to the big Memorial Day weekend and its rib fest revelry – followed rapidly by beer fests, Greek fests, Italian fests, and well, any gastronomically-related gathering you can add ‘fest’ to. Throw in all the fairs in late summer and that’s a lotta food-festin’.

Even more reason to get out and run it off…

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I’ll have a Manhattan…


It’s funny – I’ve never seen a bar actually called, ‘bar’. Apparently, it’s a convention that only occurs in cartoon-land. Cartoons are like that – they utilize what I call, ‘visual shorthand’ to convey the idea, or at least support the idea, hence ‘bar’ sets up the ‘happy hour’ reference. I’m not sure why I tossed in a fire hydrant, though – I suppose it gives the visual setting some city cred…or something like that.

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